Ill Health Retirement
PAM has an established attendance management model that has been effective since 2004. Our focus is to stop people going off work, stop people staying off work, or give advice that assists managers in making employment decisions.
We will always focus on “What an employee can do rather than what they cannot do”. The longer an employee remains off work, the greater the risk that they will never return to their role. Acting sooner and avoiding prevarication is in everyone’s interest. PAM’s clinicians work with managers to deal with these complex and often sensitive matters.
Our Ill Health Retirement process is prescriptive and based on the rules of the employees’ pension scheme and the terms of the employment contract. Our Physicians are highly experienced in dealing with ill health retirement cases under the various pension scheme rules, including but not limited to Local Government Pension Scheme, NHS Pensions Scheme, Teachers Pensions Scheme and Police Pension Scheme.
The process for making these informed decisions includes:
Compilation of detailed clinical notes following examination and consultation;
Verification and update of the health condition that applies from the employee’s health care provider;
Consideration of the pension scheme rules and requirements;
A clinical assessment including biological, psychological and social factors relating to the employees’ health condition today and the likely prognosis during the term of any early pension benefits applying;
The employer’s ability to make reasonable adjustments in redeploying the person.
Any decision made on ill health is backed up with clear evidence and completion of relevant paperwork.