Working together for a healthier workplace
PAM Group was formed in 2004 and has grown organically at a consistent rate of 30% year on year. We are now the largest privately owned Occupational Health, Rehabilitation, Wellbeing and Absence Management company in the UK; currently supporting more than 700,000 employees across more than 1,000 clients.
We have a multi-disciplined workforce consisting of over 500 staff based regionally throughout the UK who provide an extensive range of high quality services, delivered through a bespoke combination of on-site implanted staff, mobile units, remote services (including telephone and secure video conferencing) and clinic-based services via a UK-wide network of PAM clinics.
Services are offered nationwide and we have established regional management teams to support our clients at a local level. Underpinning this is our extensive IT capability, recognised quality management systems and solid financial standing.
As we go from strength to strength, we continue to channel our investments into research, product development, quality, people development and growing our national footprint.

About Us
Our Mission
To provide the best support for our clients every day.

We offer a fully integrated health and wellbeing solution
Since the business was formed we have continued to expand our portfolio of services. This has enabled us to provide bespoke partnership solutions, working together to add value to the wellbeing, performance and productivity of our clients’ employees. This philosophy can be seen through the development of our in-house specialist business operations.
We are unique in that we do not use subcontractors to provide any of these service functions.
This means that we can operate with pace and simplicity, have better control of quality standards, offer lower margins than our competitors and support our clients in a seamless and joined-up way.

Our range of integrated services
Occupational Health Services
Quality driven services aimed at preventing industrial injury and supporting the management of sickness absence. This includes: management referrals, pre-placement screening, vaccinations, health surveillance, ill health retirement,fitness for work and statutory medicals.
Wellness Solutions
Whether the aim is to reduce stress, build resilience, prevent injury, eat healthier or increase physical activity, we offer tailored solutions designed to make a real and long-term difference to colleague health and wellbeing. This includes: wellness consultancy, health promotion events, mini drop-in assessments, workshops, lunch ‘n’ learn exercises, stress resilience training, our Health Genie wellness kiosks and our online lifestyle improvement programme PAM Life.
Psychological Services
Our unique stepped care model ensures that colleagues receive the most effective and appropriate therapy to enable them to return to normal health and work as early as possible. Following an initial triage assessment, treatment pathways include: guided self-management, counselling, CBT, EMDR therapy and occupational psychology.
Physiotherapy Services
A comprehensive physiotherapy and ergonomics solution, incorporating ‘sameday’ telephone triage, guided self-help, physiotherapy treatment, functional capacity evaluations, physical capability assessments and functional restoration programmes.
Drug and Alcohol Services
We provide support to employers and their employees through preventive screening. This includes: pre-employment, for cause and random programmes, along with focused education and rehabilitation management.
Employee Assistance Programme
A targeted staff benefit to help your colleagues deal with all of life’s ups and downs. Key features include: a confidential 24/7 advice line, counselling and CBT, workplace promotion, critical incident response and a range of online information and support – including our new mobile app ‘EAP Everywhere’.
DayOne Absence Management
A first-day absence reporting and management service, which focuses on reducing short term absence levels. The service also acts as an employee benefit, by helping to support people back into work as quickly and safely as possible, with the option to onward refer to OH, Physiotherapy and Counselling.
Online Platform and Data Security
Our internally developed online IT platform OHIO is a fully integrated system used for accessing and managing all of our services. Therefore, Occupational Health, Psychological Services, Physiotherapy, Drug and Alcohol Services and DayOne Absence Management can all be accessed online using the same system.
All of our software is developed and tested by our employed IT development team. Database administration is also managed by our employed colleagues and all data is held electronically in the UK. Our ISO 27001 information security accreditation provides absolute assurance in our approach to managing confidential client records.
Our history
Since 2004 we have been going from strength to strength.