PAM Group Social Value
Our ambition is to continue to position sustainability at the heart of what we do and in the solutions, we
provide to our clients. Our World policy seeks to further embed sustainability throughout PAM Group’s
operations by providing a robust framework. It captures the actions we need to take to ensure we remain
viable in the long-term and is consistent with our value proposition. It builds on the lessons we have learnt
as Our World strategy evolves. By focusing on the issues that matter to our clients, our colleagues, wider
society, and to us, all parts of PAM Group can embrace this framework. We will use this programme to
measure our performance and drive success in a rapidly changing economic and social environment.
Our social value strategy prioritises our actions through 5 key areas:
Operating responsibly within our communities
Creating employment
Inclusion of all
Sustainability within our world
Environmental responsibility
We will deliver these priorities and measure or results through our “Social Value Policy” and our “Our World Policy”.
Each Business within PAM Group will be responsible for contributing and ensuring our commitment toward achieving these goals. PAM Group Board will be responsible for ensuring that it reviews the overall strategy and performance of our business.
Our Chief Executive Officer and Board Directors will be responsible for energising and delivery of our initiatives towards a socially valued contribution to what we do and how we operate.
We ask all our stakeholders; clients, colleagues, suppliers and shareholders to accept and support these priorities and to help us contribute towards their achievement for a better, fairer, and safer world.
“The world today is not ours to dispose of as we please. We have it in trust. We must account for it to those who come after.”
HRH King George VI