Security ISO 27001
Information security, confidentiality and data protection are crucial to PAM. By becoming ISO 27001 accredited we are not only protecting our organisation by putting an Information Security Management System in place, we are also demonstrating to our clients that we have been independently assessed and verified.
ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised certificate for evaluating how securely an organisation manages and stores its information and data. Below are some of the main benefits of becoming ISO 27001 certified:
Reduce threats
By having an effective Information Security Management System in place, we can be confident that we manage and minimize threats to information and data. These threats can be external, from hackers and viruses, as well as internal: from disgruntled employees or people simply forgetting to do a back up.
Demonstrate our commitment to information security
The ISO 27001 certification proves that we have been independently assessed and verified in having an effective Information Security Management System that observes industry best practice.
Improve our organisation’s performance
By improving information security, disruptions to our organisation become less likely. Introducing new information management systems can also help with improving performance.