PAM Academy
PAM Group was formed in 2004 and has grown organically at a consistent rate of 30%, year on year. An innovative organisation from the outset, with a truly multidisciplinary workforce, led to the early development of PAM Academy, contributing to this growth.
PAM Academy has a remit of learning and development, matching governance, and quality, and therefore colleague growth. We are synonymous with excellence and are considered a market leaders in internal OH training. As testimony to this, over 78 clinicians have been supported through higher education within the last 5 years!
A driving force behind quality and skill, supporting PAM’s growth.
Occupational Health Training
We are immensely proud of the training, skill and professional development provided to all our staff, no matter what their ambitions are. A core suite of training that is delivered regularly; E-Learning and a wealth of on-demand webinars to tap into. Not forgetting a listening ear to all our teams when they find a skills or development gap.
Occupational Health Course
All our trainers are IOSH-trained and supported by educators within the team. Having this added skill has enabled the investment in a trainee OH foundation course.
We successfully bring clinicians into OH and prepare them for higher education. We have dedicated mentors who support trainee development from nervous beginners to confident clinicians.
Academy Growth
Not only are we supporting the quality and capacity of our service and our clients but growing the OH workforce.
An essential part of our social values here at PAM, considering the political focus on growing a speciality that has a significant impact on the health of the workforce, organisations, and society.

PAM Academy is invested in the wider OH arena with roles such as Faculty of Occupational Medicine Diploma examiner; board members of organisations such as iOH and the Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing, members of the Society of Occupational Medicine working groups to improve standards and involved with the UK Hearing Conservation Association.
Our vision is to see all our colleagues, regardless of background, become successful competent and confident in their careers.
Our mission is to develop skills and knowledge to inspire people to be the best they can be, driving the delivery of high-quality services.
Our goal is continual improvement for all.