PAM DAS follows rigorous chain of custody procedures when undertaking any test, from the collection of the sample right through to the reporting of results. It is vital that an audit trail remains intact should the sample donor wish to challenge the initial result.
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Urine testing for drugs and alcohol remains the mainstay of testing because the sample is relatively easy to collect and analyse. Urine provides a fast turnaround for drug detection.
Oral fluid and breath testing services - including saliva screening and breath tests, can be carried out to provide indicative results for drug and alcohol screening. The testing process for urine and saliva is usually a two-stage process, starting with an instant test to identify evidence of drugs within the body. If the test is negative and no evidence is discovered then no further action is taken. If the test is positive and evidence of drugs is discovered, then the sample is returned to the laboratory for analysis, following full chain of custody procedures.
Through hair testing PAM DAS can provide advanced technology to analyse an employee’s use of drugs using a small hair sample from the donor. Our advanced technology is making this process a more attractive solution for employers. Hair testing is an accepted method for assessing drug use, especially over long periods. Analysis of hair for drugs is useful in workplace monitoring, legal cases (paternity and custody cases), long term assessment of drug users on rehabilitation programmes, or possibly for random or pre-employment testing. Our chain of custody screening and confirmation testing for urine, oral fluid and hair samples, are delivered by our accredited and legally defensible laboratories.
Laboratory Analysis
Laboratory testing will provide a clear positive or negative confirmation and an accurate quantity of the drug present. Our laboratories use confirmation processed based on Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection (LC-MS) and all methods are validated as part of our UKAS accreditation.
Laboratory testing is the only absolute method of determining the drug group and identifying the exact substance and concentration in any sample. There is always a risk of false positives, or worse false negatives, in the use of instant tests for drug screening. PAM DAS would therefore recommend that although a negative result is reported from an oral sample, that a urine sample be taken under strict chain of custody collection procedures in order to negate this and provide legally defensible results.
Expert Advice
Our experienced toxicologists and doctors are on hand to help our customers with results interpretation and provide medical review reports if required. Drugs and alcohol can have a truly damaging effect on the workplace. Whether drug and alcohol testing is a regulatory requirement or best practice, we have a wide range of services to support you.
We offer one of the widest ranges of testing devices combined with our independently audited and accredited laboratories. We make it straightforward by offering each of our customers, however big or small, a bespoke service, tailored to fit their unique needs.
We make it effortless by providing a full supporting service in addition to our drug and alcohol testing capabilities. This means you can hand the whole process of managing your drug and alcohol testing programme over to us, leaving you to get on with running your organisation.and Alcohol testing, drug and alcohol screening, d&a testing, d&a workplace testing, alcohol testing, drug testing,
drug screening, d&a policy advice, drug and alcohol training